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Positive effects of amla reetha shikakai powder on hair

by HENNAHUB INDIA 20 Dec 2022 0 Comments

Supercharge Your Hair Health with Amla Reetha Shikakai Powder

Are you looking for a way to give your hair an extra boost? If so, amla reetha shikakai powder might be just what you’re looking for. This all-natural powder is made from the combination of three powerful ingredients—amla, reetha, and shikakai—and can be used as part of your regular hair care routine for added benefits. Let’s explore why this unique blend is so beneficial for your hair health.

 amla for hair

What Is Amla Reetha Shikakai Powder?  Amla reetha shikakai powder is a combination of three natural ingredients—amla, reetha, and shikakai. Each ingredient has its own unique properties that make it beneficial to hair health. Let’s take a closer look at each one:

  • Amla: Also known as Indian Gooseberry, amla is high in vitamin C and antioxidants which can help stimulate healthy growth while nourishing your scalp. It also helps reduce dandruff and promote shine.
  • Reetha: Derived from soapnuts, reetha helps remove dirt and excess oil from the scalp while promoting healthy hair growth. It is also believed to have anti-bacterial properties which can help keep your scalp clean and clear.
  • Shikakai: Derived from the Acacia Concinna tree, shikakai has been used for centuries in India as a natural shampoo. It helps reduce frizziness while adding shine and softness to the hair.

When combined together in one powder, these three natural ingredients create an unbeatable combination that can help supercharge your hair health! 

How To Use :

Amla Reetha Shikakai Powder  To use amla reetha shikakai powder as part of your regular hair care routine, simply mix 1-2 tablespoons of the powder with water until it forms a paste-like consistency. Massage this paste into wet or damp hair before rinsing off after 10 minutes or so with lukewarm water (you can leave it on longer if desired). For best results, use twice per week as part of your regular haircare routine. 


If you’re looking for a way to give your hair an extra boost then amla reetha shikakai powder could be just what you need! This all-natural mixture combines three powerful ingredients—amla, reetha, and shikakai—to create an unbeatable combination that can help nourish your scalp while promoting healthy growth and reducing frizziness. All it takes is mixing 1-2 tablespoons with water before massaging it into wet or damp hair before rinsing off after 10 minutes or so with lukewarm water (you can leave it on longer if desired). Try using twice per week as part of your regular haircare routine to see maximum results!

Buy Amla Powder online: Click Here
Buy Reetha Powder online: Click Here
Buy Shikakai Powder online: Click Here
Buy Hair mask Combo Pack online: Click Here
Buy Amla Powder in Bulk: Click Here
Buy Reetha Powder in Bulk: Click Here
Buy Shikakai Powder in Bulk: Click Here
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